Blog > Canada is Pwning the Animation Industry

Canada is Pwning the Animation Industry


It is no secret that video games are no longer just for the stereotypical socially awkward nerd in Mother’s basement, but are you aware just how entrenched this multi-billion dollar industry is into Canadian culture? Centre for Arts and Technology- Animation School decided to put together an infographic to better illustrate the impact this massive industry has on our fair nation.

Some of the statistics are staggering: from the multi-billion dollar amount infused into Canada’s GDP by the video game industry, to the surprising profile of the typical gamer. Games are not all for the kids anymore either, with many titles carrying adult content warnings, and following storylines that appeal to the adult gamer, it came of little surprise to us to discover that 37% of Canadian gamers are 55+ years of age. Canada has now, solidified its place as a “gaming” country, as 58% of Canadians proudly call themselves gamers.

Centre for Arts and Technology offers two animation programs; 2D Animation & Digital Art and Animation for Game, Film & Visual Effects, and graduates from these programs pursue various careers in the animation and video game industries. This infographic confirms that there will continue to be growth in both of these sectors, great news for our animation grads and alumni.

These stats may be simply interesting to you, but they mean a great deal more to our staff at Centre for Arts and Technology, particularly the animation department. These stats all illustrate the health and vitality of an industry that our animation students will enter into after graduation. We are pleased to see that the through the prosperity of the video game industry, our animation graduates will continue to find successful careers. We look forward to the evolution and continued growth of this industry in Canada and the impact our animation graduates will have.