Here at Centre for Arts and Technology, we pride ourselves in connecting people with their passions and creating a bridge between opportunity and success. One way that we make our programs accessible to a larger audience is through scholarship opportunities. This Spring we hosted a whole series of online contests focused on finding the best and brightest in each category and awarding them scholarships based on technical abilities and creativity. The contests offered were the following:
Take A Shot Digital Photography Contest
2 Minute Film Challenge
Your Best Beats Audio Challenge
Fashion Your Career Award
Album Art Graphic Design Challenge
Animation Character Design Challenge
We received a great number of entries and were blown away by the caliber of work! The judging process was completed by our talented department heads in each program and was not easy due to the high quality of submissions. We are happy to say that judging is now complete and we are proud to announce the following winners:
Ronnie Poirier Best Beats
Jessica Cheverie Animation Character Design
Chelsea Miller Animation Character Design
Tyler Morrison Animation Character Design
Justin Phillips Album Art Graphic Design
Ben Sampson Best Beats
Jennifer Blais Animation Character Design
Ryan Campbell Take A Shot Photography
Ashley Lingley Take A Shot Photography
Colby Conrad 2 Minute Film
Mark Nielsen Best Beats
Devon Maione Best Beats
Rosemary Warriner Fashion Your Career
Marina Fehr Fashion Your Career
Samuel Streit Animation Character Design
Dana Lapointe Animation Character Design
Jonathan Yip Take A Shot Photography
Each winner has already been contacted personally by our program advisors. We would like to thank everyone who participated, you really blew us away! If you would like to hear about upcoming contests and scholarship opportunities, please sign up for our contest notification email. Contests happen periodically throughout the year, so stay tuned for the next ones!
To see all the winning submissions, please use the links below and don’t forget to like our Facebook page while you are there!
Winners Galleries:
Take A Shot Digital Photography Contest
2 Minute Film Challenge
Your Best Beats Audio Challenge
Fashion Your Career Award
Album Art Graphic Design Challenge
Animation Character Design Challenge