Zoe Mallach

Character Animator

Yo! Name’s Zoe, though I do answer to Zo.

I love creating in general, be with pencils and paper, yarn, music notes, or paint. As tale as old as me, I’ve always been working with my hands to create things for friends and family. Now I want to bring that passion and skill to the industry, and reach more people. Maybe bring some whimsy into this crazy world of ours.

I hope and work to be in visual effects later in my career, working with water, fire and even magic instead of characters. People are fun and all, but elements are fluid, unexpected and unpredictable. That’s what makes life fun!

That’s all for now, hope to see you crazy kids from behind a tablet or stack of animation papers. Stay groovy out there!

Email: zoemallach@gmail.com

Demo Reel
